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God Is Not Up for Re-election

God Is Not Up for Re-election


The truth that God is sovereign would appear to be very straightforward. How could God be God unless he rules in his universe? Yet to raise this theme invariably generates some restlessness, and on occasions, even heated debate.

There is, of course, the matter of human and demonic rebellion. How can God be sovereign in a universe where 'the whole world lies in the power of the evil one?' To suggest that God rules where human rebellion is intense is contrary to much Christian thinking. To quote scriptures which indicate that, at least sometimes, God sends calamity, is hardly popular. These matters, however, are not primarily intellectual. Only as we submit to the Creator-King of all things will we cease to fight 'God's sovereignty over the presence of sin, even though he does not ever initiate rebellion. We will not reject his rule over human will by deciding that all is fatalistic. And we will not opt for the opinion that sometimes God 'wins' and sometimes he 'loses' (presumably to us or the Devil! ).

When these studies were first drafted, I had in mind the theme of the Kingdom of God. My aim was to consider this from the Godward stance adopted in the Scripture, rather than analysing the issues that arise in human society in the context of the Kingdom. The emphasis is therefore on God's redeeming action in the death of his Son, and in the outpouring of his Spirit through the resurrected Lord. Life in this Kingdom is too dynamic for any other empire-building!

Basic to our discussion about the sovereignty of God, is the need to relate his love, purity and grace to his authority. We will gain most as we come to know that not only is God in control, but that this is his delight and pleasure. It is not so much a struggle but a joy for him to exercise his authority. This is clearly seen in the cross where God delights in doing that which affirms and expresses his holy, loving sovereignty over all things. There he shows us the true nature of authority: that of serving, giving and loving. The cross indicates that God's displeasure against those in rebellion must be seen in the context of the pleasure of his grace. We see in the death of Messiah the sovereignty of God in the presence of the most intense evil.

Our lives as God's people are therefore not primarily a question of us choosing him to be our Lord, but of his electing love sweeping us into the Father's arms. At Golgotha humanity refused to accept him as King, but God worked this very rejection as the basis of his calling of us to be his people, through the Messiah-Lord. God is not now up for re-election. The day of judgement and the new creation will provide the full and final evidence of that.

Don Priest,

Point Pass,1983

God Is Not Up for Re-election

Six Bible studies with discussion questions

Don Priest

by Don Priest

Subject: God's Sovereignty

Book Code: 066

Pages: 28 pp, Book

Pub. Date: 1984

ISBN: 0 94985 193 0

PDF Download 59 kb
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