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How to Study the Bible

How to Study the BibleABOUT THIS BOOK

Coming To Read The Bible

There are many folk who would like to read the Bible. Some of these have never yet read it. It is a mystery to them. To some it seems to be a difficult book. Who could possibly understand it? Because it has always been around, most of us have opened its pages at one time or another. Some of us have tried to read. Baffled we have closed it up and put it aside.

Some have read the Bible for many years. Whilst it has not been unintelligible, it has also not been easy to grasp. To read from the first book, Genesis to the last book, Revelation has been, for some, a painful task. The Bible has 66 books bound in its one cover. Thirty-nine of these are said to be Old Testament books, and twenty-seven are called New Testament books. This we will explain later.

To get back to the matter of reading the Bible: everyone should seek to read it, sooner or later. Sooner if possible. This is not only because it has been the greatest seller of any book in all time, and not only because it continues to be in the top sales-level every year, but because it has so much to offer. What it offers will be discovered when one reads it.

How then shall one read it? The writer seeks to give answers to that question.


How to Study the Bible

Geoffrey Bingham

by Rev. Geoffrey Bingham

Subject: Bible

Book Code: 083

Audio Code: SSS 3

Pages: 69 pp, Book

Pub. Date: 1980

ISBN: 0 94985 133 7

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